Author Archives: Mercer

Digital Marketing This Week: Getting The Most From Live Events – Episode 34
Here’s what we’re talking about for this episode of Digital Marketing This Week–how you get the most of live events. So if you’re a digital marketer who wants expand their network and improve conversions through live events, this week’s topic is perfect for you. If you want to catch the full DMTW webinar, click on…

Online Marketer’s Guide to Writer’s Block
If you found yourself here, then it means you’ve hit some sort of wall…writer’s block. If so, you’ve come to the right place. There will be days when you feel like you’ve exhausted all your content options and have nothing to offer except the same old article. And this guide is meant to help you…

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Advertising
You may have noticed, organic (meaning unaided by advertising) reach of your Facebook posts has slipped. Significantly. Which is why a lot of marketers like yourself are dabbling into social media paid advertising. The statistics are promising. On Facebook, desktop ads have 8.1X higher click through rates; while mobile ads have 9.1X higher click through rate…

A Beginner’s Guide To Google Tag Manager – Digital Marketing This Week – Episode 33
We’re giving you a beginners guide to Google tag manager in this week’s “Digital Marketing This Week“– Google Tag Manager is not a tool that’s commonly talked about and it can also be overwhelming or difficult to use. Your best bet is to watch the recording of the webinar (video below) since it features a live…

Increase Productivity with These Free Online Tools
Increasing productivity, especially when you’re a marketer working from home, can be challenging! Afterall, it’s easy to get sidetracked by the latest Buzzfeed article when you should be checking your metrics, or watching TV when you’re supposed to be checking stuff off your to-do list. Fortunately, modern technology has come to the rescue once again! Here are…

Your Content Marketing Strategy Blueprint for 2015
It’s early in the year—how’s your content marketing strategy coming along? While our goal is to help you advance your marketing techniques for your business, sometimes, it helps to go back to the basics. So we thought we’d give everyone a quick refresher on how to create a blueprint for your content marketing— 1. What do…