Digital Marketing This Week:
August 9, 2014
In this weeks Digital Marketing This Week episode, the focus topic was Productivity. We’ve been getting asked all sort of questions about how to get started, how to keep things going, maintain your momentum and get things done. A brief snapshot of the 7 Simple Steps to Getting Things Done can be seen below, but…

Siri vs. Google Now
Digital Assistants And Why They Matter To Marketers Here’s a controversial statement—I’m going to actually pick a side in this ongoing war between smartphone digital assistants. Google Now—all the way. Anyone who has ever used a phone running on Android will get it. Others who have been drawn by Apple’s siren’s song, might be a…

Latest WordPress Security Update is a Must
In case you missed it, on August 6th, 2014 WordPress 3.9.2 released a new security update. It’s a very important security update for all your sites running on WordPress, and one that should definitely be installed as soon as you can. We’ve already updated 15 of our sites and it’s all running great with no issues whatsoever.…

Digital Marketing This Week:
August 2, 2014
This week’s Digital Marketing This Week is all about improving your WordPress SEO and the 5 things that can help raise your rankings on search engines. We have a quick look at the topics discussed below, but you can listen to the webinar for an in-depth discussion on each. 1. Keywords Remember the Hummingbird update? It…

Digital Marketing This Week:
July 26, 2014
This is week, on Digital Marketing This Week, our focus topic is all about sales funnels—it’s a broad subject but wanted to focus on the 7 things that you must have and avoid. Here’s a brief rundown of what we talked about below. But of course, if you want to hear a more in-depth discussion…

Internet Marketing And The Mobile Market
It wasn’t so long ago when we could barely be pried away from our desktop computers. Yet here we are, with our smartphones in one hand and our tablets in another. In fact, there are predictions that say mobile is set to takeover desktop Internet usage by the end of 2014. Do you agree? Let’s take…