Traditional vs. Online Marketing
The Real Value of Your Online Marketing Efforts When it comes to marketing—is digital really the new traditional? What do you think? That’s a long-standing debate that has marketers on both fronts defending the merits of each. Does that mean that you need to do both? No—you need to do what is most…

Digital Marketing This Week:
July 19, 2014
This week on Digital Marketing This Week we cover headlines. How to write them and how to get them to convert! We also give a quick update on Facebook Ad Manager and WordPress 4.0. Enjoy! 1. ConversionXL talks about the characteristics of great headlines: Numbers are on the headline. Keep it around 5 to 8…

Is Video Still The Future Of Internet Content
Several years ago, before YouTube became one of the largest search engines, before it became possible for everyone who owned a smartphone to become a videographer, before Instagram video or Vine became a thing…did you ever think that video was going to get this big? A recent study even says that it is totally possible…

How To Manage Your Online Reputation
So you’ve brought your business online. Congratulations! And now, the whole world is listening. This can be a double edged sword. One one hand, people could love you and you can share things online with people. On the other hand, people could find fault with you or your business. Which means, now—more than ever—you need…

Digital Marketing This Week: July 12, 2014
This week, Digital Marketing This Week covers, a tool that makes improving your SEO easier, an in-depth discussion on psychological techniques used to improve conversion and a discussion on how you can double your website conversions. Watch the full video for the entire discussion—or catch the headlines summaries below: 1) Check out Powered by Search’s…

How To Use Twitter For Your Business
A 3-Step Guide on Using Twitter for Marketing I like to think of social networks like Twitter as actual, live networking events. And while mingling and jumping into conversations with fellow guests is expected, you don’t want to be known as that person who just cuts in and immediately hands everyone their business card. While…