Author Archives: Mercer

7 Things That Make Every Blog Post More Engaging
You’d think that writing a blog post is as easy as typing out your thoughts. But when it comes to online marketing, there’s a bit of science behind how to make your blog posts both readable AND engaging. If you grab just ONE THING from this post, remember this… People will hardly ever read your entire…

Digital Marketing This Week: Episode 20 – Google Analytics: What Actions Are My Visitors Taking?
This week during Digital Marketing This Week; we continue our Google Analytics series. We first talked about the audience and who your visitors are. In the second part, we tried to figure out where those visitors are coming from. In this latest episode, we are going to show you how to figure out what actions those…

SEO Keyword Basics
Choosing the right keywords plays a huge role in getting your site noticed by the search engines. New to SEO? No problem! Here are some SEO keyword basics… There’s more to keywords than just thinking of a couple of words and sticking it into your article. Here are basic guidelines that you should keep in mind when…

Getting Started With Video
It’s not surprising how long it took for video’s potential for online marketing to be recognized. With smart phones and tablets making it easier for everyone to become a videographer, apps, and plug-ins making it easier to edit and manipulate footage, online video marketing strategies have definitely become easier to implement. But do you know…

Digital Marketing This Week: Episode 19 – Google Analytics: Where Are My Visitors Coming From?
On this episode of Digital Marketing This Week, we continued our series on Google Analytics For Beginners with Part 2, “Where are my visitors coming from?” It’s all about tracking your traffic sources and understanding exactly how your visitors found you. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with Google Analytics—so make sure that you get…

The Basics Of Backlinking
Backlinks, as Wikipedia defines them are incoming links to a website or web page. You may also hear backlinks referred to as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links… not to mention “backward linking.”, And theoretically, having your blog content linked back to as many websites as possible will mean more visibility on Google,…