Content Marketing Tools to Improve Your Productivity
Content marketing can be time-consuming. But with a good plan and tools, you can become more effective, which will help make a big difference in your content marketing productivity. SEMrush To find out how your competitors are ranking on Google, SEMrush can help you find out not only how much traffic they are getting but…

WordPress Plugins Every Marketer Must Have
Once your site is up and running, it’s now time to install the WordPress plugins that every marketer must have. Here’s a run down of the plugins we use (and some alternative options)… SEO WordPress SEO by Yoast is actually our preferred plugin and the one that we use. It’s the most comprehensive SEO plugin available…

How to Make Keyword Research Easier
For anything and everything that you need, search engines, like Google, have the answer. They know what answers to give, by recommending the right site. Google knows the “right site” by choosing the URL that has the “right keywords.” Which is why keyword research so important. So we thought we’d share the same process we do…

#40: Understand Your Customers to Increase Conversions – Digital Marketing This Week
This week on Digital Marketing This Week, we covered “A Marketer’s Guide To Conversions.” If you want to check out the whole episode, you can find it below… But for a brief overview of the topics discussed, including a framework you can use, ideas on where to start and other tips and tricks, check out the show…

IFTTT Recipes for Marketers
IFTTT stands for “If this, then that”; If you’re unfamiliar with it, what it does is connect things together. Things like… you can have IFTTT automatically post Facebook events straight to your calendar or tell IFTTT to automatically send you a text when you get an email from a particular person. These tasks are what…

#39: Learning to Split Test – Digital Marketing This Week
On this week’s Digital Marketing This Week, we’re giving you a marketer’s guide to split testing. We’ll tackle tools you can use to split test, how most marketers screw up split tests and how to figure out what to split test. Let’s start by talking about what is split testing? Split testing is basically software…